End to end digitalisation of supply chain means getting all manual repetitive tasks of a process routed via automation. Consistent error free performance in the said area shall allow the buyers and sourcing managers to focus on strengthening supply chain and exploring savings opportunities. Our Source-to-contract / Procure-to-pay solution has modules addressing specific business needs as follows –

E-Purchase Requisition – Raising a requisition in traditional ERP is tedious and boring leading to procrastination. Our tool is user friendly and intuitive just like latest portable device apps.

Digital Comparative - Get rid of your bulky excel papers !! with our platform comparing various quotes have become easy and accurate.

E-RFx & e-Auction – Sending RFQs via email, waiting for suppliers’ responses, filing the offers in relevant folders, keeping track of pending offers, compiling a bids comparison, carrying out rounds of negotiations and repeating the process steps all-over again after each round – doesn’t this seem to kill the efficiency and where is the time left for strategic thinking? This is where our tool can come handy to relieve your team off of the non-value adding repetitive tasks.

E-Approval Workflow - Hardly anything is as frustrating to a buyer as is waiting to receive the approvals from the senior management. This too in a scenario where prices are fluctuating not by weeks or days but by every few hours. On the flip side, precious time of the senior management is getting nibbled away in granting urgent approvals while being in the middle of important strategic activities. An automatic approval workflow is the win-win answer to this situation.

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